Tuesday, April 27, 2010


One of the Foundations of Learning for this week was Bonding.  We associate bonding is something people do with one another, or by being particularly attached to an object (like a blanket, teddy bear, or toy).  Bonding, though, is so much more than just liking or being around an object.  For Baby, there is a whole additional level.

I can hear it in my head, right now -"Janie, DON'T put that in your mouth!"  This makes me grin; not because I enjoy hearing parents worry about their children, but because I know that once Baby approves of an object, the next step is to test it out.  The next step is, "Hands behind the back" when you walk through stores concentrated with breakable objects (that just BEG you to touch them...). We worry about germs, where the object has been, and what kind of stuff she/he is putting in their mouths.  I don't blame you -I'd probably freak out too!  I clean every instrument in my classroom because of this.  It is Clorox-wiped and super cleaned after every class.  What we don't realize, however, is that sticking objects in their mouth isn't just because it makes their teething mouths feel better, it orients them with the object.  Just as we adults reach out to touch something, or walk around an object to get a "better look", baby puts it in his or her mouth. 

As your child(ren) grow and explore their worlds, this will stop.  They won't be fifteen and chewing on napkins, but they will need to figure it out for a little while.  Bonding with their surroundings is important -it gives them perspective, and allows them to feel safe within their spaces.  Who doesn't love that!

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